Bruce Joyce

Status: Official Induction Date: August, 2023

You can look back in our stat sheets for the past 15 years and see the names of more than 150 different basketball officials. Considering this vast amount of names it is only suiting that we recognize those that put forth great integrity and dedication. It is these qualities that encourage Journeyman Basketball to induct Bruce Joyce into our elite hall of fame.

The players, parents, coaches and board members believe he represents the best in what an official brings to the table. Bruce breaks the game down to its best possible form. He allows our young players to learn at a pace that encourages improvement and keeps our oldest players inline enforcing the games integrity. Bruce has filled in on many last minute emergencies and done so keeping Journeyman’s best interest and reputation in mind. Many athletes have requested or encouraged his presence at our biggest games. The heart of our program is the athletes that participate and they have spoken loud and clear. Bruce, we hope you feel like this program is as much yours as it is ours. After all you are another key ingredient in the Journeyman recipe. Please join us in congratulating Bruce Joyce, a true Journeyman.