SELECT Tournament Teams

 In addition Journeyman’s seasonal sessions we do offer travel basketball!

February 2025 Update.

The plan for 2025 is to establish competitive teams. We typically only assemble teams we have trustworthy coaches for. SELECT is ran logistically by JP Sanborn and Karyn Loch and the athletes conduct themselves under the leadership of Andy Kasprzak and Jimmy Flynn. Those interested in being part of SELECT should contact us at They should include their name, current grade and primary contact phone number and email address of a parent.

This is not the same program as Journeyman Sessions!
Many student athletes look for a competitive environment to allow their skills to grow often facing competitive teams from in and out-of-state. SELECT is this program. It follows a far different structure with the same character and team building structure as Journeyman, but does not share the same rules in regards to playing time. More advanced players will receive more time! This, of course, is dependent upon the game situation and the opinion of the teams head coach.

The SELECT program starts mid March and often runs until the first week of June. This time frame may change slightly depending on an individual teams schedule. A season normally takes under three months. We also offer a tune-up in October and try-outs can vary with times posted for January and February.

Practices are twice a week. These practices will be 1.5hrs to 2hrs. long. The days of these practices are set up individually by a group of coaches so it can fit their personal schedule and often the general availability of the team. There will often be a week off for April vacation.

A tournament season can include 5-6 tournaments. These tournaments are conducted on the weekend. Normally one tournament per season is a “one day”. This, like other categories can change by the request of the team or its coach. The SELECT program strives to give you a solid value for your investment while trying to balance that with a competitive record. Tournament schedules are often not provided to SELECT staff until the Wednesday before a tournament. And often we are advised that a “first pass” of a schedule will be amended so we often wait a bit longer for a final schedule.

80% of games played are local. We consider, Hampton, Southern Maine, Nashua and towns within that range to be local. One or two tournaments a season could include hotel stay. It is your responsibility to communicate with SELECT regarding group rates and try to keep athletes from a team together (at the same hotel).

We encourage our teams to stick together. This often means, trying to stay in the same hotel, eating out together and staying in tune with group chats to find out what the team is doing. Ultimately we understand this is your decision as a parent but we encourage our teams to learn about each other on many levels to ensure the best possibility to grow as a team.

Our board of directors create this ALL INCLUSIVE cost every year before we begin. Team dinner, apparel, jr admin (stats) and uniform costs traditionally included in your fee. What does this mean, it means we do not add costs after the fact. SELECT basketball provides no “extra revenue” for the Journeyman program. When costs are increased in SELECT it is simply to be self sufficient. It is expected that the 2025 SELECT season will cost $795 all inclusive.

When you register for SELECT you will receive top quality sublimated gear. 1 home jersey, 1 away jersey and a pair of shorts. You will also receive a teams shirt, and a team chosen piece of apparel. This could be a jacket, hoody, sweatpants or whatever the team decides. 2025 will start with new uniforms that are Black and Khaki. These uniforms show our appreciation for our dedicated members of the United States military.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WE HOLD OUR COACHING STAFF ACCOUNTABLE TO OUR STIPULATED GUIDELINES. These coaches all have full time jobs and families just like you. We ask that you keep your communication with them about attendance, health and scheduling. Please do no approach coaches with tracked court time charts, your personal thoughts on what defense or offense they should run or positions your aspiring athlete should play. These are the responsibilities or our trusted coaching staff. When an issue arises we ask that you wait 24 hours and speak to Andy Kasprzak, Jimmy Flynn or JP Sanborn first. DO NOT APPROACH COACHING STAFF AT GAMES! This can strongly interfere with a wide variety on new team issues.

We want all of our student athletes to have a beneficial experience with SELECT. We want them to be competitive team players concerned with the teams success and not just their own. They should be held personally accountable for their actions and never blame an official, staff or teammate for a bad experience. Although SELECT does not show use the same playing time guidelines as Journeyman, they do expect every bit of the character. When poor character is displayed that reflects negatively on the program, SELECT reserves the right to restrict participation of an athlete. This can include bad parental behavior.


2025 Tournament Schedule



2025 Coaching Staff & Rosters

6th Grade Boys – W. Marcouillier
Ben Verissimo
Bennet Pereira
Colt Verbeck
Connor Rayno
Elliot Reeves
Grant Hollasch
Jackson Megna
Luca Dirsa
Luke Sweeney
Tanner Taylor
Thomas Brown

8th Grade Boys (G) – D. McGuckin
8th Grade Boys (B) – D. McGuckin
8th Grade Girls – Moriarty
9th Grade Boys (B) – J. Flynn
9th Grade Boys (G) – J. Flynn
10th Grade Boys – J. Sweeney